Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB
5 Year Plan

The LLR Five-Year Plan was approved by the ICB Board on 13 July 2023. The plan is in the process of being made available in accessible formats.

Every day our NHS organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland work with partners in local authorities, the voluntary and community sectors, and other public services to support people to stay healthy and lead independent lives. And when people are ill our services are there for them, their carers and families.

The NHS has faced significant challenges over the last couple of years. The impact of Covid is still being felt, but we are making considerable progress improving services

Challenges remain, however, not least the high-level demands on health care services.  People have faced longer waits for elective care (non-emergency/planned care), difficulties accessing primary care and mental health services. 

There is still too much variation in the health of our people and tackling this inequality is key to improving the overall health of our population in LLR.

We have a dedicated and highly skilled workforce in LLR, but we need to retain and recruit more staff.

The first Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board 5-Year Plan sets out how we will improve care and outcomes, reduce inequalities in health, support our workforce and become more financially sustainable.

Our services will need to adapt and transform to achieve our ambitions for health.  The Plan is underpinned by 13 Pledges, these are specific outcomes we aim to deliver over the next five years and have been developed from what people have told us are important to them. 

Our plan in bitesize chunks:

Our 13 pledges

Our pledges are our commitments to local people that we’ll deliver over the next five years.

For more information click here.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Our plan is underpinned with firm foundations built on involvement, engagement and co-production with our local people and communities.  We have a learning culture to help us better understand the needs of our population so that we can design services appropriately.

For more information click here.

Chapter 2 - Where we are now

In this chapter we look at our current position including an overview of health and wellbeing, our performance, our finances and our people.


For more information click here.

Chapter 3 - Delivery plan

In this chapter we outline how we will deliver on our commitments. Including how we will meet our priorities, high level interventions and supporting insight as well as looking at the impact on equity in health.


For more information click here.

Chapter 4 - Cross cutting themes

In this chapter, we describe how we will address important themes that reach across all the service delivery areas identified in Chapter 3.

For more information click here.

Chapter 5 - Enabling delivery of this Plan

In this chapter, we describe the building blocks that, put together, provide the essential framework within which we can deliver our preventive work, keep people well, improve health equity and deliver the best possible health and care for local people.  

For more information click here.

Chapter 6 - Our Finances

This chapter focuses on our finances.

For more information click here.

Chapter 7 - Our People

This chapter focuses on our people.

For more information click here.

Chapter 8 - Our Governance

This chapter focuses on our governance and the arrangements that have been established to support the delivery of this Plan.

For more information click here.

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