Back to school inhaler prep

Every September there is an increase in children being admitted to hospital because of their asthma. Not maintaining a child’s asthma routine is a key cause, making them more vulnerable to triggers that could cause an asthma attack. Other reasons children experience difficulties with their asthmas symptoms during this time include seasonal viruses such as colds and flu, air pollution, new school environments and routines causing an increase in stress.

Maintaining the levels of inhaled steroids and continuing a normal routine over the summer holidays will maintain the protective benefit on the airway and reduce the chance of an asthma attack.

The summer break is also a good time to check children’s inhaler technique to ensure the medication is being effectively administered. Community pharmacies and GP practices can conduct an inhaler review for all inhaler users to make sure people are getting the most from their inhalers.

Our top tips for avoiding the September surge

  • Keep a regular routine with preventer inhalers.
  • Know your asthma action plan – make sure you know what to do in an emergency.
  • Manage your triggers – it’s important to be aware of the things that trigger your asthma.
  • Make sure your new school teachers know you have asthma.
  • If you need to use your reliever inhaler more often (or you are using it more than TWICE a week) book an asthma review.

For more information on managing your child’s asthma, visit:

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