Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) wants to create a genuine partnership arrangement with the voluntary and community sector, social enterprises, and individual communities, initially with the NHS and, over time, across all partners.
To help us to deliver this, we have co-produced a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance.
If you experience any issues when registering or logging in, please email llricb-llr.beinvolved@nhs.net.
Why Join?
By registering to access the VCSE Alliance webspace, you will have access to a wide range of tools, opportunities and resources, including:
- An online VCSE Directory of contacts
- Applications and opportunities hub
- Skills and resources
- Mechanism to feed community insight into the Insights, Behaviour and Research Hub.
If you are a voluntary, community, social enterprise organisation, or support an individual community, you can also become a VCSE Alliance member by adding a listing on the VCSE Alliance Directory.
We truly believe that working closely with the sector, through the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Alliance, increases and improves our knowledge of what is available and helps us to collaboratively tackle health inequalities, deliver health messages, and focus on our priorities.
As well as joining the our VCSE Alliance, we also encourage you to check out Joy.
Joy is the website for people in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland to help them find the activities, groups and support they need.
To add your offer, visit: www.tinyurl.com/mpdzw27b