Organisation description

As an Educational Charity in the Inner City, We provide free Basic Numeracy and Literacy help to adults who cannot read or write. Over 90% of the Adults who come to our venue are unemployed and cannot engage in meaningful employment due to poor Literacy Skills. These adults do not have access to an Internet connection or a home Computer. They come to our centre for advice and guidance.

308 Melton Road
Phone number (for public/helpline)
Public Email Address
Website address
Specific community covered (if any)
BAME, Children and young people, Elderly, Faith Groups, Indian, Men, South Asian, Women
Other specific communities covered
Children Supplementary Classes in the evenings and at weekends.
Other specialist areas
GCSE and A-Levels, Functional Skills exam Centre for all major exams
Area organisation covers
Languages covered
English, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Specific workforce skills
Coaching, Education, Equalities and human rights, Mentoring, Social media
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