Organisation description

Jamila’s Legacy is a non-profit organisation that offers advice, advocacy, support, a listening service, self-care activities and training to individuals interested in maintaining their own mental health well-being and supporting others.

Jamila’s Legacy has been bringing people together to increase mental health awareness and deepen understanding since 2015. We have been working at a community and grassroots level, engaging with ethnic minority communities, and have developed an understanding of their needs, barriers and challenges.

Phone number (for public/helpline)
Public Email Address
Website address
Specific community covered (if any)
BAME, Elderly, Men, South Asian, Women
Area organisation covers
Leicester, Leicestershire, National/regional
Languages covered
Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu
Specific workforce skills
Advocacy, Communication, Creative thinking, Customer service, Education, Equalities and human rights, Facilitation, Influencing, Learning & Development/training, Mentoring, Networking, Project Management, Social media, Sustainability, Training
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