Organisation description

The LCPCF is a Dfe funded forum representing the City of Leicester within the National Network of Parent Carers Forums for parent carers of SEND children and young people. LCPCF works with the LA, EHC providers and third-sector organisations to improve services in Leicester City. We will work with parents and carers of children 0-25years, the Local Authority and the NNPCF regionally and nationally to assess, develop, improve, or maintain those services.

Barnes Heath House, Leicester LE5 4 LU
Phone number (for public/helpline)
Public Email Address
Website address
Other specific communities covered
All communities
Other specialist areas
Learning Disability
Area organisation covers
Languages covered
Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bangladeshi, Bengali, Chinese, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Somali, Sylheti, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Other
Specific workforce skills
Accounting, Communication, Computer literacy, Creative thinking, Health & Safety, Learning & Development/training, Networking, Service design/user research, Training
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