Organisation description

Place2Be is a children and young people's mental health charity with almost 30 years' experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.
We provide mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling using tried and tested methods backed by research. In addition, we also offer expert training and professional qualifications.

175 St John St, London EC1V 4LW
Phone number (for public/helpline)
020 7923 5500
Public Email Address
Website address
Specific community covered (if any)
African, Arab, BAME, Bangladeshi, Caribbean, Children and young people, Chinese, Faith Groups, Gypsy/ Traveller, Indian, LGBTQ+, Men, Pakistani, Polish, Somali, South Asian, Sylheti, Women
Area organisation covers
Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland, National/regional, Town/Village or Neighbourhood
Languages covered
Specific workforce skills
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