Organisation description

South Asian Health Action ‘Supporting the health and well-being needs of South Asian communities’
Our mission
To achieve greater equality in the quality and cultural appropriateness of healthcare for South Asian communities by brokering critical dialogue and action between these communities and mainstream institutions.
Our vision
South Asian communities will become more integrated into the design and delivery of healthcare leading to more anti-racist, culturally appropriate and, patient and community-led services.

10 Haddon street
Phone number (for public/helpline)
Public Email Address
Website address
Specific community covered (if any)
BAME, Bangladeshi, Faith Groups, Indian, Men, Pakistani, South Asian, Sylheti, Women
Other specific communities covered
South Asian
Other specialist areas
Research and Clinical Trials
Area organisation covers
Leicester, Town/Village or Neighbourhood
Languages covered
Bangladeshi, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Sylheti, Urdu
Specific workforce skills
Advocacy, Business intelligence/strategy, Coaching, Communication, Computer literacy, Digital empowerment, Equalities and human rights, Facilitation, Influencing, Learning & Development/training, Linguistics, Mentoring, Networking, Planning, Project Management, Service design/user research, Social media, Sustainability, Training
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