Bringing health care closer to home: Local NHS welcomes outline planning application for Hinckley Community Diagnostic Centre

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) is delighted with the news that an outline planning application for the new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) has been submitted to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.

Andy Williams, CEO of the LLR ICB said: “This is a significant milestone for local health services in Hinckley. The CDC is a £24.6m investment in services and will see the development of a purpose-built facility for health checks, scans, and tests, avoiding the need for people to travel to a hospital further away. It is one of only 40 CDCs to be given NHS funding in England.”

The CDC will have CT, MRI, X-ray and ultrasound facilities, as well as providing clinical rooms for phlebotomy, endoscopy, and outpatient procedures.

Consultation with local people demonstrated huge support for the CDC and Andy Williams added: “We had an excellent response to our consultation caried out during January to March this year, with respondents overwhelmingly in support of the CDC. We are delighted therefore that this key step makes plans closer to being realised.”

When fully operational the CDC will provide 89,000 tests and appointments each year.

The CDC will also create wider benefits for the NHS in LLR.  The provision of local diagnostic services will relieve pressures on hospitals in Leicester and Nuneaton and supports sustainability aims in the NHS by reducing travel. The CDC is set to be operational from 2025.

The CDC forms part of a wider programme of work which aims to improve community health services in Hinckley. The ICB is currently working on a proposal for a new Day Case unit which would be co-located at the District Hospital site if approval is granted. An outcome on this is expected later this year.

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One Response

  1. Surely this Planning Application is a formality, unless our HBBC are dragging thier feet, and if they are, the resident of the Borough need to know. But great news otherwise. A completely new facility, replacing the old and tired hospital is must.

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