Contact us
General enquiries
For all enquiries relating to Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) please contact us via our Online Contact Form below, telephone, email or by post.
LLR ICB Reception: 0116 295 3405 – Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm
NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Room G30, Pen Lloyd Building
County Hall, Glenfield
Leicester, LE3 8TB
Feedback helps us to improve and adapt the services we provide to meet our patients’ and service users’ needs wherever possible. If you have any feedback whether good or bad, that you would like to share with us please send it to us via the online contact form above.
Freedom of Information request
As an Integrated Care Board, we are committed to being open and transparent in line with relevant legislation. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides a right of access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, such as the NHS.
Before you make a request it may be helpful for you to consider the following:
We maintain a Freedom of Information Disclosure log which contains details of responses we have provided to the public. See next section.
If your request is about your own information you need to make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
To make a Subject Access Request please refer to the Subject Access Request section.
Anyone can make a Freedom of Information Request.
A Freedom of Information Request can be made for information held by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board.
We will require the following information from you:
- Your full name
- Your correspondence address (postal or email)
- The specific information you are requesting.
Please make your request via the Online Contact Form.
Your request will be acknowledged, and we will source the information you have requested from the relevant teams.
We will:
- Contact you as soon as possible to request clarification (if required) that will help us to answer your request;
- Provide a response to your FOI request within 20 working days after receiving the request, unless an extension has been agreed;
- Inform you if we don’t hold the information and, if we can, advise you who does;
- Inform you that your request will exceed the cost limit specified in the ICO Fees Regulations and invite to submit a further, narrower or refined request;
- Advise that we hold the information but are not releasing it, citing the relevant exemption from the FoI Act 2000;
- Advise that we are refusing your request on the basis that it repeated or vexatious
- Tell you that we need more time to coordinate a response or to consider the public interest test in relation to your request. We will then specify a new deadline date – this should not be later than 40 days after receipt of your request.
If you are unhappy with the Freedom of Information response provided, please contact the LLR ICB Corporate Governance Team via the online contact form for further clarification in relation to the response you have received.
If you remain dissatisfied, you can apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office, who will consider whether the organisation has compiled with its obligations under the Act and can require the organisation to remedy any problems.
FOI / EIR Complaints resolution
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Freedom of Information Disclosure Log
The LLR ICB FOI Disclosure Log contains responses to information requested from the LLR ICB under the Freedom of Information Act.
For each request shown we have withheld the details of the original applicant and there may be cases where we have also removed the personal details of third parties and withheld information according to the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations.
- FOI04112024W – National Diabetes Prevention Programme details
- FOI08112024S – Long Terms conditions data and pathway
- FOI18112024F – Lymphoedema service care provision
- FOI19112024W – Vaccination service contract and data
- FOI26112024F – Private provider contract details
- FOI21112024H – Specialist Mental Health Service spend
- FOI12112024W – LLR ICB staff count and Agile Working policy
- FOI12112024W – LLR ICB Agile Working Policy
- FOI12112024K – Primary Care Commissioning Committee members
- FOI15112024G – Perinatal pelvic health service provider
- FOI20112024L – Mental Health Support Community providers
- FOI03102024D – Pharmacy Closures in LLR since April 2023
- FOI21102024A – 2024-2025 Domiciliary Care Rates
- FOI24102024HO – LLR ICB system level plan for patient choice
- FOI24102024R – Ear Wax removal service details
- FOI25102024M – List of all operational CDCs
- FOI30102024M – Tier 3 weight management service
- FOI31102024L – ICB spend on Domiciliary care
- FOI18102024H – Women Health Hubs funding
- FOI25102024H – LLR ICB current software provider for CHC All Age Continuing Care (AACC)
- FOI02102024S – Chronic Fatigue Service (CFS)
- FOI10092024G – Alopecia service
- FOI09092024W – Supported living costs for Learning Disabilities patients
- FOI09092024C – Local Enhanced Service LES for Wound Care
- FOI13092024J – Dental service contracts and UDA repayments
- FOI15092024E – Long Covid clinics
- FOI18092024M – Chronic Fatigue Service (CFS) and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Service
- FOI30092024OP – Trauma Funds Out of Area Placements
- FOI30092204AR – Trauma Approach Pathways
- FOI05092024K – Adult Audiology services
- FOI07082024H – Memory Service wait times
- FOI20082024S – Community based bronchiectasis services in LLR
- FOI22082024G – Child Obesity Clinics in LLR
- FOI23082024M – Tier 3 Weight Management Service details
- FOI26082024M – Community Musculoskeletal Service (MSK) improvements
- FOI30082024H – Contract Management
- FOI31082024Z – Children Immunisation services
- FOI08082024R – Pharmacy closures
- FOI03072024C – Data on Type 2 diabetes care
- FOI03072024W – Local Enhanced Services LES Service for Wound Care
- FOI04072024O – Mental health patient care placement data 2024
- FOI18072024S – Shared Care Record System
- FOI23072024B – Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring CGM in people with T2 diabetes
- FOI25072024W – Dementia strategy
- FOI31072024H – NHS funded fertility clinics
- FOI16072024M – Sleep and Insomnia services
- FOI31072024B – ICS spend on Electronic Health Record (EHR) software
- FOI09072024H – Personal Health Budgets (PHB)
- FOI06062024H – CHC assessment data 2023-24
- FOI06062024P – Spend on palliative and end of life care 2019 – 2024
- FOI08062024M – Adult ADHD service details
- FOI10062024R – Womens Health Hubs
- FOI10062024S – Care Packages for Adults living with Learning Disability
- FOI28062024T – Positive behaviour support community service
- FOI21062024B – Virtual Wards service
- FOI26062024PO – Mental Health Service details
- FOI08052024C – Virtual Wards
- FOI08052024C – Virtual Wards data (Excel)
- FOI03052024B – Shared care record IT system
- FOI09052024R – CHC placement and uplift details
- FOI14052024S – Cataract operation spend
- FOI20052024S – Personalised commissioning service details
- FOI22052024M – Menopause Support Service details.
- FOI30052024G – Adult Social Care Manager details
- FOI17052024P – NHS Dental service providers
- FOI17052024P – NHS Dental Practice Provider List (Excel)
- FOI02052024P – Hypertension services
- FOI09052024O – Senior Finance Lead contact details
- FOI22042024D – GP Communication Service providers
- FOI30042024P – Local Enhanced Services (LES) budget 2023-25
- FOI17042024K – Personal Health Budget (PHB) payments
- FOI11042024R – Pharmacy closures
- FOI10042024C – Primary Care rebates schemes
- FOI08042024G – Primary Care Network PCN funding
- FOI08042024B – Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) details
- FOI02042024T – Dementia service contract
- FOI02042024C – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) details
- FOI02042024V – Business Intelligence (BI) service contract
- FOI09032024D – CHC data 2020-2024
- FOI09032024K – Childrens continuing care data
- FOI09032024KE – Education Health and Care Plan data
- FOI10032024B – LLR ICB Formulary details
- FOI13032024E – Memory Clinics details
- FOI23032024W – Social Prescribing Link Workers data
- FOI28032024S – Weight loss medication – Wegovy and Saxenda
- B05032024LLR – LLR Director details
- E04032024LLR – LLR Prosthetic service staff and contract
- A06032024LLR – Musculoskeletal (MSK) service details
- M14022024LLR – Speech and Language Therapy data 2023
- P23022024LLR – Wheelchair service contract
- W15022024LLR – Social Prescribing Link Workers
- H20022024LLR – Adult mental health placement data 2023
- T14022024LLR – Mental Health Support Teams
- H13022024LLR – Community Diagnostic Centres
- I12022024LLR – Patient Care Transport Service
- R08022024LLR – Talking Therapies service
- S08022024LLR – Elective care contracts
- J06022024LLR – Weight Management services
Subject Access Request (SAR)
The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA2018) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) provides living individuals the right to request access to their personal records that are held by an organisation. This is commonly referred to as a Data Subject Access Request or a Subject Access Request.
Please note as a commissioning organisation, LLR ICB do not hold medical records as these are held by the organisations providing healthcare services. Please contact the healthcare provider if your request relates specifically to your medical records.
Anyone can make a Subject Access Request for access to their own personal information. In addition, an individual may nominate a representative (such as a solicitor or relative) to submit a Subject Access Request on their behalf. In such an instance, there must be a valid consent form signed by the individual who is authorising the release of the information unless the individual does not have capacity. In those circumstances the relevant legally appointed representative may authorise the access.
You may only make a Subject Access Request for access to your own personal information held by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board.
We would recommend that a request is made in writing wherever possible and for this we would require:
- Your full name
- Correspondence address (postal or email) and contact details
- A comprehensive list of what personal data you would like access to
- Any details, relevant dates, or search criteria that will help the organisation identify the information
- Details of how you would like to receive the information (e.g., by email or print out by post).
Please make your request via the online contact form.
If you are unhappy with the response provided to your Subject Access Request, please contact the LLR ICB Corporate Governance Team via the online contact form.
If you remain dissatisfied, you can apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office, who will consider whether the organisation has compiled with its obligations under the Act and can require the organisation to remedy any problems.
FOI / EIR Complaints resolution
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
We would encourage you to discuss any concerns or complaints you have regarding your NHS treatment and care with your healthcare provider (the organisation where you received the NHS service, for example the hospital trust, your GP surgery, dental surgery, optician or pharmacy). This would be the quickest way to resolve your concern or complaint.
If this is not possible then you can raise a complaint with Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (as the organisation that paid for the NHS service or care you received).
Your complaint should be made as soon as possible and at the most within a year of the event or within a year of you realising that you have something you want to complain about. You can make a complaint on your own or on behalf of someone else with their permission.
A complaint can be raised with either the healthcare provider or the LLR ICB but not with both.
To respond to your complaint, we would require:
- Your full name
- Correspondence address (postal or email)
- A summary of what has happened
- noting the healthcare provider / service the complaint is being raised against
- the timeframe / dates you are referring to in your complaint
- the outcome you are looking for from your complaint
Following receipt of your complaint a member of the LLR ICB Corporate Governance Team will contact you regarding the next step in the process.
Please make your complaint via the online contact form.
POhWER NHS Complaints Service
POhWER NHS Complaints Service can support you to make a complaint and offer a free and confidential service that is independent of the NHS.
PO Box 14043
B6 9BL
Telephone: 0300 200 0084
What do you do if you are still unhappy with the complaint response you have received from the LLR ICB?
You do have the right to approach the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman to consider your complaint further.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
47 – 51 Mosley Street
M2 3HQ
Telephone: 0345 015 4033
Privacy Notice
Use the following link to take you to our Privacy Notice page which explains how your information is stored, used and shared by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB.
‘’Are you worried that you or someone you know is being harmed’’?
Use this link and choose ‘Report Concerns’ Policies and Procedures – Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Partnerships Business Office (
Conflict of Interest Guardian
Darren Hickman, Non-Executive Member and Chair of the Audit Committee is the ICB’s Conflict of Interest Guardian. He is responsible for providing impartial and unconflicted advice and judgement to the ICB Board, further strengthening the scrutiny and transparency of the ICB’s decision making processes. As the Conflicts of Interest Guardian, Darren:
- Is the conduit for anyone with concerns relating to conflicts of interest;
- Is a safe point of contact for employees or workers of the ICB to raise concerns in relation to conflicts of interest;
- Supports the rigorous application of the principles and policies for managing conflicts of interest;
- Provides independent advice and judgment where there is any doubt about how to apply conflicts of interest policies and principles in individual situations;
- Provides advice on minimising the risks of conflicts of interest.
To contact Darren please email: