Get in the know about local health services

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

People in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are being encouraged to ‘Get in the know’ about the right services to use for their healthcare needs, as part of a new local NHS campaign launched today (22 November 2022).

The campaign aims to support local people to get the right care as quickly as possible, by raising awareness of the services to use when they are unwell or injured through a new and informative website.

When people need medical assistance, particularly in an urgent situation, it can be difficult to think clearly about what to do. Understandably in this situation people will head for the emergency department, which may not be the best place for them to get the treatment they need.

The Get in the Know campaign encourages people to familiarise themselves and be prepared should they find themselves needing health care.  A Get in the Know website to provide local health and care information in one place has been set up and the public is recommended to take a look at services and support available – from accessing urgent care support, mental health services to support for cost of living and keeping warm.  The site will signpost you to other sources of support from local partners.

Dr Nil Sanganee, Chief Medical Officer for the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, said: “If you have an urgent care need which isn’t immediately life threatening then you should contact NHS 111 The new Get in the Know website is a valuable online source, hosting a range of information in one place.

“People don’t always need to see their doctor or go to the A&E department. There are a range of other services available – from community pharmacies and NHS 111 to our urgent treatment centres.

“Knowing the treatment options available Local people can help themselves to get treated at the right place quickly, whilst helping our the emergency services available for people who really need them.  by easing pressure on the local NHS this winter.”

“Rachna Vyas, Chief Operating Officer for NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland added: ”NHS services can get very busy, particularly over winter. Through this campaign we want to support people to find the right NHS service for their particular medical problem so we can  treat them as quickly as possible.  I would encourage people  to visit our get in the know website, to find out what is available, so that they can instantly access the best services for their requirements.”.

Over several weeks various themes under the ‘Get in the Know’ series to raise awareness of the support available and action you can take.  The themes will cover will be highlighted your GP practice, treating minor ailments and what to do if you need urgent help.

Ahead of this, Rachna has shared three top tips for getting care this winter as an example of the kind of information that will be promoted as part of the campaign: “If you are generally in good health, you can treat many minor illnesses and injuries yourself, without needing an NHS appointment. If you do feel you need some extra guidance, you can use the NHS app or website, NHS 111 Online or your local pharmacy. If you can’t treat the illness yourself or it isn’t getting any better, use your GP practice. For urgent help, use NHS 111 which is available online or by phone.”

People can visit  online and follow the campaign on social media using #GetInTheKnow.

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3 responses

  1. In reality all roads lead to A&E. You have no chance of seeing a GP, Urgent Care Centres require an appointment to be seen (which you dont need at the Corby Centre) before sending you to A&E due to lack of facilities, and finally my experience of 111 is to advise me to go to A&E. Get Real

  2. We have a great GP surgery and local pharmacy but most people don’t. If I go to the pharmacy, I have to pay for treatment, at the
    surgery we get a prescription which means treatment is free. Money is tight, I’m not paying when I don’t have to.

  3. No information about how to access NHS hearing services. My surgery just tells me to contact a local private shop who will then sell me expensive hearing aids that I may not need. All I want is an NHS hearing test and NHS hearing aids if I need them

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