Local people support proposals to improve Hinckley community health services

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) has published the results of the public engagement on proposals to improve Hinckley’s community health services.

The report shows that there is strong support for a new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) to be built on the Hinckley and District Hospital (Mount Road) site, with 87% of respondents agreeing with this proposal.

People also shared their views on options for a new Day Case Unit, with the highest proportion of respondents (42%) opting for the unit to be co-located with the new CDC, so that all services could be provided on the same site.

More than half of respondents (52%) also agreed that the Adult and Children’s Therapy facilities should be moved into the Hinckley Hub on Rugby Road, from their current portacabin location on Mount Road.

Helen Mather, Associate Director of Elective Care, Cancer and Diagnostics at the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, said: “I would like to thank everyone who took the time to share their views with us. More than two thousand people responded over the six weeks of our engagement, to help us understand what matters most to them.

“We know that having more services provided closer to home is important for people and their views on access, including car parking, drop-off points and access for people with a disability, have already influenced our plans. We are now looking at the feedback and aligning it with clinical, financial and environmental factors, in order to make the right decisions that would improve community health services for people in Hinckley and the surrounding areas.” 

LLR is one of just 40 health systems in England to be given government funding for a new CDC. The allocation of £24.65 million has enabled work to commence on providing a purpose-built facility for health checks, scans, and tests, allowing people to be diagnosed closer to home, without the need to travel to a large hospital further away. It will have CT, MRI, X-ray and ultrasound facilities, as well as providing clinical rooms for phlebotomy, endoscopy, and outpatient procedures. The CDC is set to be operational from December 2024.

In addition, NHS England has allocated £7.35 million which would fund the new Day Case Unit. The feedback from the public engagement is influencing a business case for the Day Case Unit, that is subject to approval by NHS England.  The development would provide planned surgical procedures in hospital for patients who would then be able to return home on the same day, offering more services than currently available at Hinckley and District Hospital. Services would include general surgery, gynaecology, ophthalmology, orthopaedic surgery, pain management, plastic surgery, podiatric surgery, urology and vascular surgery.

Helen Mather added: “It has been our ambition for some time to make improvements to the community health services in Hinckley and we now have a fantastic opportunity to provide more services closer to patients’ homes, in modern, fit for purpose buildings that meet the needs of a growing population.”

Further information is available at: https://leicesterleicestershireandrutland.icb.nhs.uk/be-involved/improving-hinckley-community-services/

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