Lung health event coming to Coalville this June

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

A lung health event is taking place in Coalville on Tuesday, June 20, to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of lung problems, particularly cancer, and to help get local patients the help they need as quickly as possible. It has been arranged by NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, together with the East Midlands Cancer Alliance (EMCA), local GP practices and other health organisations.  People are invited to come along to the event in Morrisons’ Car Park, Whitwick Road, Coalville, LE67 3JN, between 10am and 2pm.

Dr Ben Noble, a GP in Leicestershire and a GP clinical lead for EMCA said: “We’re keen to increase the diagnoses of lung problems in North West Leicestershire as there will be a number of people living with symptoms which could be improved by treatment. Lung cancer itself causes more deaths in the UK than any other cancer and the symptoms can often be difficult to spot. However, early diagnosis results in much better outcomes.”

At the event, people will be able to:

  • Learn about the signs and symptoms of lung cancer and how to prevent it.
  • Step inside the inflatable mega lung to find out more about respiratory illnesses.
  • Get a COVID vaccination, if eligible.
  • Get support to give up smoking to reduce your risk of developing cancer and other respiratory diseases.
  • Speak to a GP about any lung problems you are experiencing and book a lung health check.
  • If you are already living with cancer, or supporting someone who is, come and learn how Macmillan can help.

The signs and symptoms of lung cancer that the NHS would like patients to look out for are:

  • A cough for 3 weeks or more
  • Coughing up blood
  • Persistent chest pain
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Breathlessness
  • Recurring chest infections
  • Unexplained tiredness

Dr Noble continues: “If you have symptoms, it is important to get checked out straight away.  It’s probably nothing serious, but finding cancer early makes it more treatable.

Martin Rimes, age 62 and from Coalville, has been living with lung cancer for seven years and features in the promotional materials for the event: “I was first diagnosed after experiencing chest pain, but by that time it had spread from my lungs. I hadn’t been feeling right for quite some time before that. If I had gone to my GP practice sooner, it would have been much easier to treat. I feel very fortunate to have found a treatment that is working and my lung cancer is now stable. I would encourage anyone who isn’t feeling themselves to book an appointment at their GP practice. It might be nothing to worry about but, if it is cancer, you have a better chance of being able to do something about it if it is caught early.”

Visit to find out more about the event and the signs and symptoms.

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One Response

  1. Please let me know when you are organising another event like the one tomorrow, 20 June in Coalville? I would like to attend but not available tomorrow. I live in Market Harborough but can attend anywhere in LLR.
    Kind regards,
    Brigitte Heller

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