New Website Helping Support the Mental Health of Children and Young People living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

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NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has commissioned DHU Healthcare to provide a new self-referral website to support the mental health of children and young people (CYP) living in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland.

The website, developed with input from young people likely to use the site, is now live at to help under 18s, their parents or carers find the right mental health information and support, including the option to complete a self-referral.

Provided by DHU Healthcare’s CYP Mental Health Triage and Navigation Service, their team of clinicians and support staff assess referrals from GPs and other health professionals to support the needs of young people in relation to their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

‘My Self-Referral’ is a new, simple and confidential way to refer for support without needing to see a GP or healthcare professional and is designed to be user-friendly and accessible.

The website details several common mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, leading to further information about that condition, self-help advice and an option to self-refer to specialist organisations.

Geraldine Burdett, Mental Health Services Manager for CYP, with the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, who commissioned the project, said: “We know that mental health issues can have a profound impact on young people’s lives, and we want to make it as easy as possible for them to access the support they need. This website means that young people do not have to go through their GP, their parent or more formal channels which can be barriers to making that important first step.”

Martin Reeves, Clinical Lead for DHU Healthcare CYP Mental Health Triage and Navigation Service, said: “We are delighted to offer ‘My Self-Referral’ to children and young people who may be struggling with their mental health. It is there to give confidence to and encourage children, young people, their families and carers to source credible, valuable information to help them when feeling vulnerable. We hope it will empower this sometimes hard to reach age group to seek help by making a self-referral from the safety of their own home.

“Children and young people can access the website 24/7, in confidence, and we hope they will have the courage to ask for help without feeling they are alone and get the reassurance and advice they need to feel better about their mental health..”

Free and confidential, children and young people are able to self-refer at any time of the day or night, enabling them to take control of their condition. The self-referral pathway is designed to complement the current process, where GPs and other health professionals refer children and young people for support, which will continue to be available.

DHU Healthcare and NHS providers recognise that mental health issues among young people are on the rise, particularly following the pandemic. This website will make it easier for young people to access the support they need, when they need it.

Due to the complexity of some conditions and a requirement for supporting information, ‘My Self-Referral’ is unable to accept self-referrals for neurodevelopmental conditions, eating disorders and substance misuse. Those referrals will continue to go through the GP. ‘My Self-Referral’ will however accept requests for support for associated symptoms such as anxiety or depression.

The My Self-Referral website is now live and available for young people to access at

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8 responses

  1. Website link is still not working and it doesn’t work when you type the address into a search bar or do a search – just get a message saying site cannot be reached.

    1. Hi Ann – apologies for the difficulties, we have double checked and updated the link again, it should be fine now.

  2. Hi I have been referred to this service for my son but I cannot access the self-referral site, it says it can’t be reached

    1. Hi Louise – did you manage to access the website? There had been a problem with the web address we published in our article, but it is now fixed. I apologise for the inconvenience.

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