Reminder for people to have their say on proposals to improve health services in Lutterworth

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

The NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) is reminding people to have their say on proposals to improve healthcare services in Lutterworth, as the consultation has passed its half-way point.

The NHS is responding to the changing needs of people in Lutterworth with proposals to significantly expand the number of health services available in Feilding Palmer Hospital on Gilmorton Road, increasing the number of appointments to approximately 17,000 every year. A consultation was launched on 23 October, to assess public opinion on the proposals. 

Dr Graham Johnson, GP and senior partner at Wycliffe Medical Practice in Lutterworth, said: “The local community are doing a huge amount to help to get the message out about the public consultation and the turn-out has been great at our regular drop-in events.  I’d like to thank everyone who has shown such an interest in our plans.

“What I’d really like to say at this stage, as we enter the second half of the consultation period, is that we’d like people from all age groups to complete either the online or hard copy survey telling us what they think of the proposals. This is all about getting health services right for the future, so it’s really important that we hear from people living in Lutterworth and surrounding areas including younger people who will grow up using those services, for themselves and for their future families.

The population of Lutterworth and surrounding areas is expected to grow by 40 per cent in the next 10 years, and this growth will bring with it greater demand for health services for people of working age.

The increase in services would be achieved by keeping Feilding Palmer Hospital open and using the space in the hospital in a different way.  The proposals include:

  • changing the use of the current space in Feilding Palmer Hospital to provide outpatient and diagnostic services, replacing the current 10 inpatient beds
  • increasing the number of outpatient services (where people visit a hospital for a diagnosis or treatment, but do not need to stay overnight) to approximately 17,000 appointments per year, covering more than 25 branches of medicine
  • reducing travelling times and the miles people travel to receive health care, by approximately 200,000 miles per year
  • in time, creating a Lutterworth Health Campus on Gilmorton Road, Lutterworth to provide additional health and care services, including mental health, optometry, dentistry, GP practices and local authority services.

These plans are specifically designed to respond to the expected growth in demand for local services, as a result of the 2,700 new homes being built in the future, as well as improving support to people who need physical and mental health services and providing more services closer to people’s homes.

People have until Sunday 14 January 2023 to share their views and full details are available online at  Alternatively, people can:

  • complete a paper copy of the questionnaire available in venues across Lutterworth or by calling: 0116 295 7572 or emailing:
  • write to: Freepost Plus RUEE–ZAUY–BXEG, Lutterworth consultation, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, Room G30, Pen Lloyd Building, Leicestershire County Council, Leicester Road, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8TB.

There will also be a series of drop-in events which people can attend:

  • Lutterworth Library, George Street, Lutterworth LE17 4ED
    Every Thursday throughout the consultation, 10am – 1pm (except 28th December, and 4th January)

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