Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance set to launch

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

Today sees the launch of an alliance between the NHS and voluntary and community sector organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR), to enable more people to get involved in healthcare decisions.

The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance has been set up by the LLR Integrated Care Board (ICB) which has been working closely with the local voluntary and community sector to establish a new way of working, involving more people in decisions about designing and providing services.

Today’s official launch will be hosted by the LLR ICB Chair, David Sissling, at the NSPCC National Training Centre in Beaumont Leys, Leicester.

A strong and effective ICB and, in the longer term, the wider Integrated Care System (ICS) needs to have a deep understanding of all the people and communities it serves. We want to create a genuine partnership arrangement with the voluntary and community sector, social enterprises, and individual communities, initially with NHS and, over time, across all partners.

Membership of the Alliance gives access to a dedicated webspace offering a wide range of tools, opportunities and resources including a searchable VCSE Alliance Directory of contacts, an Applications and Opportunities Hub, skills and resources and a mechanism to contribute to the Insights, Behaviour and Research Hub.

The forum is hosted on the NHS futures platform where you can ask or answer questions in the forum, or start a conversation, hear the latest health news, hot topics and updates from other VCSE organisations, collaborate with other organisations and share information on events, opportunities, skills and resources.

Anyone who is part of a voluntary, charity, social enterprise organisation, or who supports an individual community, can join the VCSE Alliance by clicking here.

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