Life-threatening emergencies

Life threatening emergencies are conditions such as:

  • loss of consciousness
  • acute confused state and fits that are not stopping
  • chest pain
  • breathing difficulties
  • severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
  • severe allergic reactions
  • severe burns or scalds
  • stroke.


You should only use the services on this page if your situation is a life-threatening emergency. For less serious health problems, use the alternative services on this website. If you are not sure, use NHS 111.

Accident and emergency

Accident and Emergency (also known as A&E or the Emergency Department) is for life-threatening problems only. Please keep the service free for people who need it by using the alternative services described on this website if it isn’t life threatening.

If you use Accident and Emergency when it isn’t life threatening, you will have to wait a long time to be seen. 

If you are not sure which service you need, contact NHS 111 online or by phone, before setting out anywhere. If they do advise you to go to Accident and Emergency they will give you a time slot so you don’t need to wait as long.

If you think you might need an x-ray, there a several locations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland you can use instead of accident and emergency. 

The Accident and Emergency Department for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is located at Leicester Royal Infirmary

Due to the levels of infectious diseases in our community, we ask that only one parent or carer stay with their child in our Emergency Department. Please do not bring siblings. This is the same in our adult Emergency Department. We also ask only one person attend with patients in our Maternity Assessment Unit and Oncology Assessment Unit. If you arrive with more people, they may be asked to leave.

Photo of open internal doorway looking into the emergency department.
Accident and Emergency is for life-threatening emergencies only. Get in the know about alternative services if it is less urgent and get the right care as quickly as possible.

Ambulance service

Ambulances are for life-threatening emergencies only. Please keep the service free for people who need it by using the alternative services described on this website if it isn’t a life threatening emergency.

If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 999. Where appropriate, an ambulance will be sent.

In Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland the ambulance service is East Midlands Ambulance Service.

Photo of three ambulances.
Ambulances are for life-threatening emergencies only. Get in the know about alternative services if it is less urgent and get the right care as quickly as possible.
Get in the know logo. Blue irregular oval shape containing the words Get in the Know in white text.
Get in the know (learn) about alternative local health services if your condition isn't life threatening, and get the right care as quickly as possible.
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