Get in the know about local health services
Welcome to our Get in the Know web pages which are all about helping you to get the right care for your particular health problem, as quickly as possible.
With all the information in one place, we hope you will keep returning to these pages to help you to get in the know or learn more about using health services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

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Using your GP practice
Get in the know about getting urgent help
Tap the NHS App
Get in the know about services to use when it's urgent
Your GP practice
Oversees all aspects of your physical and mental healthcare.
NHS 111
If you need urgent medical assistance use NHS 111, online or by phone, to get the right care as quickly as possible.
Urgent care services
If it's not life threatening, but you need to be seen quickly. Book with NHS 111.
Urgent mental health care
Get support with your mental health now. Call 999 if there is a threat to life.
Urgent dental care
For an urgent dental problem or extreme dental pain.
Life-threatening emergencies
Accident and Emergency and the ambulance service are for life threatening situations only. Find out when to use them.
NHS 111 Online
Get general advice or specific advice for your particular symptoms.
NHS App or website
A simple and secure way to get health advice on your smartphone or tablet.
Local pharmacy
The right people to see if you need advice or over-the-counter medicines.
Get in the know about...
Your GP practice
Oversees all aspects of your physical and mental healthcare.
Children and young people's health
Specific information for parents about health matters relating to children and young people.
Mental health and wellbeing support
Find out all the local options for mental health support.
Dental care
Urgent, non-urgent and routine dental care - get in the know.
Information library
Get in the know is a campaign created by NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to support you to get the right care as quickly as possible when you are unwell or injured.
It can be difficult to think clearly when you have an immediate health problem, so we encourage you to get in the know (learn) about local services, before you need to know, so you know what to do more automatically and get more timely care.
Look out for information carrying the logo in the future as it will indicate useful local service information for you to learn about.
Help others 'Get in the Know'
Help us promote the campaign with our stakeholder toolkit.