Your Care Record

About the LLR Care record
People living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) are set to receive better, safer care and treatment, thanks to the introduction of joined-up health and care records.
The LLR Care Record (LLR CR), part of the national Connecting Care Records programme, brings together a person’s separate records into a structured, easy-to-read format. This gives health and care professionals directly involved in an individual’s care a more complete view of the care and treatment that they have received across all services.
It means information recorded about someone’s health and care such as illnesses, treatments and hospital admissions can be accessed by different people who are involved in their care. Previously, different hospitals, GPs and other health and care workers recorded separate pieces of information, which was not easily shared. This caused care and treatment delays, with organisations having to forward important facts by phone, email or paper.
The LLR Care Record means that clinicians and care professionals can all see a person’s care plan and respond in real time to any updates. Those involved in an individual’s care will be able to see the ‘bigger picture’ in someone’s care records – easing an individual’s transition of care as they move between different health services or between NHS and social care services.
The information is available via a secure and safe IT system and can be accessed by different care providers regardless of the computer software programmes they use. The LLR Care Record pulls together data from different systems (getting the systems talking to each other) – it does not store any data itself.
All records are strictly confidential and can only be accessed by clinical and care staff who are directly involved in an individual’s care.
The LLR Care Record programme is being progressed by the LLR Integrated Care Board, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicestershire Partnership Trust, the three upper tier local authorities (Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and Rutland County Council) as well as other partners such as LOROS, East Midlands Ambulance Service, community pharmacy and DHU111.
The LLR Care Record will:
- Provide an individual’s up-to-date health and care information all in one secure place
- Enable more joined up and safer care
- Reduce duplication of tests and referrals for an individual
- Help prevent someone having to repeat their story each time they receive care from a different organisation
- Create more time devoted to providing care, less time spent on paperwork
- Enable better decision making among clinical and care staff
- Mean access to better information, faster; improving an individual’s experience of care.
For further information, please email the LLR Care Record programme team:
- Frequently asked questions
- Objecting to inclusion in the LLR Care Record
- LLR Care Record Poster A3 portrait
- LLR Care Record Poster A3 landscape
- LLR Care Record leaflet
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Arabic
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Gujarati
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Polish
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Punjabi
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Romanian
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Somali
- LLR Care Record leaflet – Urdu
- LLR Care Record easy read
LLR Care Record: Working together to improve your care leaflet
Working together to improve your care (English)
Working together to improve your care (Arabic)
Working together to improve your care (Gujarati)
Working together to improve your care (Polish)
Working together to improve your care (Punjabi)
Working together to improve your care (Romanian)
Working together to improve your care (Somali)
Working together to improve your care (Urdu)
Working together to improve your care (Kurdish)
Working together to improve your care (Pashto)
Working together to improve your care (Farsi)