‘A conversation on Primary Care’ – share your experiences and help improve services

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The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Integrated Care Board (ICB) is inviting local people to share their experiences of primary care and help to improve services. In the first of what the ICB plans to be a regular series of events, local people are invited to share their experience of services at their GP practice.

The event, ‘A Conversation on Primary Care’, will take place on 8 September at Leicestershire County Cricket Club.

Chair of the ICB, David Sissling explains: “The ICB is a new organisation with the responsibility to work in partnership to improve the health and wellbeing of local people and communities.

“As part of this, the ICB wants to engage with the public and learn from people’s experience of services and what matters most to them.

“Primary care is often described as the ‘front door’ of the NHS and most people’s care is through their GP practice, so this is an important topic for people. It is important to hear directly from local people about how to improve services and explain how primary care is adapting and responding to the challenges through an open and positive conversation.”

Local GP and the ICB’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Nil Sanganee said: “There are significant challenges in primary care post the covid pandemic. As a practising GP I know from talking to patients that some believe the service, particularly access to their GP, is not as good as before the pandemic and have questions about how practices are changing and responding to the challenges. I really welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with local people, share my experience as a GP and explain the changes taking place. There is a lot we can learn from hearing about the public’s experiences.”

Although this first event focusses on primary care, people can also ask ICB members about other health services.  

Book your place and join the discussion

The ‘A Conversation on Primary Care’ event, takes place on Thursday 8 September, between 1pm and 2.30pm at Leicestershire County Cricket Club. Anyone who would like to attend, is asked to register online at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/be-part-of-a-conversation-on-primary-care-tickets-408044751837. Anyone who would like to ask a question can submit this when registering online. The question does not need to be about primary care, it can be on any topic people would like to ask the ICB.

Places are limited so for anyone who does not register in advance but attends on the day, their participation cannot be guaranteed.

For further information about the Integrated Care Board please visit: https://leicesterleicestershireandrutland.icb.nhs.uk/

David Sissling said: “I am looking forward to meeting people and I hope we have an open and positive discussion. Please do register and take part.”

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