Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) has launched a new text messaging advice and support service for autistic people.
ChatAutism is a free and confidential advice and support service run by the Trust’s Specialist Autism Team (SAT). It is available for anyone living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland who is aged 14 years old and over (including adults) with an autism diagnosis – as well as their families and/ or carers.
Get in touch with ChatAutism by texting 07312 277097. A qualified health professional from the Specialist Autism Team will get back to you within 24 hours on weekdays.
The service can help with things such as:
- emotional wellbeing
- how to have a healthy lifestyle
- how to have healthy relationships
- advice on drugs, alcohol and smoking
- support with understanding autism
- signposting to helpful resources.
ChatAutism is safe and easy to use. It is the first and only service in the United Kingdom offering text-based healthcare for autistic people.
LPT developed the service with the help of autistic people from all ages, as well as their parents and carers, to identify what health and wellbeing support ChatAutism should provide and adaptions to make the service accessible to service users.
The service runs throughout the year during Monday to Friday – including over the school holidays (bank holidays not included).
6 responses
Could you please ring me concerning my Autism which I am trying to understand being in many different spectrums .
Would be very Grateful ,
My Kindest Regards,
Susanne x
Hi Susanne, we cannot give you advice ourselves, but you can contact ChatAutism by texting 07312 277097.
What about autistic people who do not, or cannot, use mobile ‘phone texting facilities??
Hi David – there are other services available for autistic people, but ChatAutism was set up specifically as a text service to suit people who do like to text. If you’d like more information on services available, you can contact our Enquiries Team: llricb-llr.enquiries@nhs.net
Dzien dobry.. Ja z takim zapytaniem chcę zmienić synowi szkole . Moj syn jest ze spectrum autyzmu. Obecnie chodzi do szkoly w Oklands school. Nie podoba mi się zachowanie kilku dorosłych osób w szkole. I jak był traktowany moj syn . Dziecko go gryzło, przwracalo, wraca brudne ze szkoły. Uważam że tam pracują niekompetentne osoby. Proszę o kilka szkół jakie mogłabym wybrać dla mojego synka.
Dziękuję. Anna mama ,Aleksandra.
Hi Anna – we cannot give you advice ourselves, but you can contact ChatAutism by texting 07312 277097.