LLR Policy for Laser Treatment for Myopia
The LLR ICB do NOT ROUTINELY FUND this treatment. However the treatment will be funded in the following circumstances The INDIVIDUAL FUNDING REQUEST process, forms and guidance are available via […]
LLR Policy for Intraocular Lens Implant
Category Threshold Criteria Eligibility LLR ICB will fund intraocular lens implants as follows . Lens implants for astigmatism Standard intraocular lens implants will be provided when patients have […]
LLR Policy for Cataracts
Category Threshold Criteria Eligibility First Eye Visual acuity is 6/12 or worse (including with correction) in the worst eye where poor visual acuity arises from cataracts In bilateral cataracts – surgery […]
LLR Policy for Excision of Chalazion
Category Threshold Criteria Located in the upper and lower eyelids there are small oil producing glands, called meibomian glands. If oil becomes trapped within these glands, they become inflamed and […]