My baby & me
Pregnancy is an exciting yet worrying time for a lot of women and their families. If you’re pregnant you may be feeling unsure about how COVID-19 might affect you and your baby. You may also be wondering whether you should get vaccinated during pregnancy or as a new mum.
If you’re pregnant and you’ve not been vaccinated against COVID-19, you should get your first 2 doses as soon as possible. If you had a 2nd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at least 3 months ago, you may also be eligible for a booster dose. If you are unsure, please check with your midwife, GP practice or healthcare professional.
Getting vaccinated during pregnancy is safe for both mum and baby.
What you need to know:
During pregnancy women are at a higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19, therefore it is important to be vaccinated to give yourself and your baby the best possible protection against the virus. If you get COVID-19 later in your pregnancy, your baby could also be at risk from becoming seriously unwell.
Evidence suggests you’re more likely to be admitted to hospital with COVID-19 if you’re from an ethnic minority group and pregnant women with underlying medical conditions are also at even higher risk of suffering serious complications from COVID-19.
Women that have contracted COVID-19 disease are also 2 to 3 times more likely to have their babies earlier than women without COVID-19 or those that have been vaccinated.
It is also safe for new mums to get vaccinated. There is also no evidence COVID-19 can pass on to your baby in breast milk, so the benefits of breastfeeding and the protection it offers outweigh any risks.
If you’re still unsure or you have a pre-existing chronic medical condition, and you’d like to find out more about how the Covid-19 vaccine will protect you and your baby talk to your midwife or GP without delay.