Celebrating 75 years of the NHS across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

5 July 2023 marks 75 years of the National Health Service and the anniversary is being celebrated with events and activities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR).

Founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery and it treats over a million people a day in England. Today, nine in 10 people agree that healthcare should be free of charge, more than four in five agree that care should be available to everyone, and that the NHS makes them most proud to be British.

On the evening of 5 July NHS buildings, including the LLR Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) headquarters at County Hall, will be lit up in blue, along with Normanton Church and Oakham Castle. County Hall will also host an exhibition, from 3 to 14 July, with historical memorabilia and photos demonstrating how NHS has evolved over 75 years.

A virtual exhibition on the University Hospitals of Leicester website will bring together archive images from local hospitals and the exhibition will also be promoted on social media.

The LLR ICB is taking part in the NHS Big Tea, with an event for staff on 3 July, and is encouraging members of the public and other organisations to host their own Big Tea party any day that week, to celebrate the NHS and raise funds for NHS charities.

Staff from the LLR ICB are also involved in the NHS 75th anniversary school talks initiative, sharing their experiences in schools across LLR, to inspire children and young people to consider a career in the NHS.

Leicester Museum and Art Gallery is shining a light on the stories of people who have come to Britain from overseas to work in NHS, including those from the Windrush generation. The Heart of the Nation exhibition brings this history to life through photography, film, oral histories and an immersive experience that brings together singing and storytelling and opens on 30 June.

People can also get involved in NHS 75 by taking part in Parkrun for the NHS on July 8 or 9. People are invited to walk, jog or run 5K at their local parkrun to celebrate this major milestone in the NHS’s history and acknowledge all the staff and volunteers, past and present, who have made the NHS what it is. Alternatively, they can lend a hand as a volunteer or just come along to spectate and soak up the atmosphere.

Dr Caroline Trevithick, Deputy Chief Executive of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, said: “NHS 75 is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our NHS, which has always evolved and adapted to meet the needs of each successive generation. It is also a chance to appreciate the vital role the service plays in our lives, and to recognise and thank the extraordinary NHS staff who are there to guide, support and care for us, day in, day out.

“I really encourage everyone to join in the celebrations which will be shared on our social media channels throughout the week.”

People can search for “Leicester’s hospitals” and “NHS Leicester” on social media along with the hashtag #NHS75.

More information on NHS75 is available at https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhsbirthday/about-the-nhs-birthday/ .

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