“Have your voice heard” says local NHS, to children and young people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

During Children’s Mental Health Week (5-11 February 2024) the NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) is encouraging young people to make their voices heard, by taking part in a major local survey of health services for children and young people.

Imad Ahmed, Clinical Lead for Children and Young People’s Health for the LLR ICB, said: “The theme of Children’s Mental Health Week this year is “Your Voice Matters” and that’s exactly why we are carrying out this survey. These voices matter very much to us. We want to hear from children and young people aged 11 to 25, living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, about their experiences of local health services, for both physical and mental health.

“The information collected will help us understand what is important to children and young people receiving care, their families and the staff who are providing that care. It will also help identify aspects which are good and areas where improvements are needed. Then when it comes to making those improvements, we will need to plan this together with young people, as they are the experts in terms of how it feels to access services.”

There are just a few weeks left to take part in the survey, which closes on 3 March 2024. A range of community organisations across LLR are also involved in the survey, reaching out to diverse groups of young people to hear what they have to say.

Sarah grew up in the care system and has previously received support from Leicestershire Cares. She is now working with other young people to gather their views as part of the consultation. Sarah said: “I’ve experienced foster care, care homes and supported living and I feel like that’s been a really big issue for me with health services, in terms of having to explain my situation. I’ve had really good experiences with nurses and doctors, but I’ve also had bad experiences and most of that comes from them not understanding, and asking questions like “Should you call your mum, and let her know you’re here?” But I don’t have that, and it’s upsetting to be asked.

“I think it’s really important for children and young adults to share their views on health services and I do think improvements need to be made. It’s important to know that your views matter and that things can change for you going forward, but also for other young people, so that those negative experiences don’t continue.”

Charlotte Robey-Turner, Policy and Advocacy Manager with Leicestershire Cares, said: “Health is a huge priority for the participants that we support and we’re very pleased to be supporting the NHS with their largest engagement project with young people to date.

“Having good health underpins the outcomes that young people can achieve in all areas of their lives. Many of our young people have had excellent support from the health professionals in their lives, but others have found that services have fallen short.

“This is a brilliant opportunity for our young people to have their say and genuinely influence the health services available to them across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We’d urge other organisations to support their young people to take part and make a difference!”

Views are being gathered through a survey, which can be completed online or on paper. 

The survey is open until Sunday 3 March 2024 and is available online at: bit.ly/youngvoicesonhealth. People can also:

• Connect via social media: @NHSLLR #WhatYouSaying

• Request a paper copy of the questionnaire by calling 0116 295 7572 or emailing: llricb-llr.beinvolved@nhs.net

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