Last chance for people to have their say on proposals to improve health services in Lutterworth

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

People in Lutterworth have just a few days left to have their say on proposals to improve local healthcare services. A consultation was launched in October 2023, to assess public opinion on the proposals and this is due to close soon.

Dr Graham Johnson, GP and senior partner at Wycliffe Medical Practice in Lutterworth, said: “If you have been meaning to complete our survey, either online or you have picked up a paper copy, but just haven’t got round to filling it in, you only have until Sunday 14 January to let us know your views.

“This is all about getting health services right for the future, so it’s really important that we hear from people living in Lutterworth and surrounding areas, including younger people who will grow up using those services, for themselves and for their future families.

“Your feedback will help us understand what the proposed changes means for you and your family and help us to make a final decision.”

The NHS is responding to the changing health needs of local people with proposals to keep Feilding Palmer Hospital open, refurbish it and expand the number of services provided there. This would include: 

  • providing approximately 17,000 appointments every year for diagnosis and outpatient services
  • providing more care closer to home
  • reducing the need for people to travel further afield for treatment, which could save over 200,000 miles travelled each year.

These plans are specifically designed to respond to the expected growth in demand for local services, as a result of the 2,700 new homes being built in the future, as well as improving support to people who need physical and mental health services.

People have until Sunday 14 January 2024 to share their views and full details are available online at

Alternatively people can drop-in between 10am and 1pm on Thursday 11 January at Lutterworth Library, George Street, LE17 4ED, where they can ask questions and get help, if needed, with completing the survey.

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One Response

  1. It is so important to keep The Feilding Palmer Hospital, Lutterworth.
    The services it has provided over the years as been much appreciated by the people of Lutterworth and surrounding village.
    It could be used so much more and utilised to save a lot of travelling by elderly and others by bringing consultants and specialists into Lutterworth.
    We are very much an growing community, and to close this vital building would only cause more strain to accommodate expansion in the medical departments of our town.

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