Threshold Criteria
Wax is an important and natural secretion found in the ear. It keeps the ear canal lubricated and protects the ear against dust, dirt and bacteria, which helps to prevent infection.
LLR ICB s will only fund secondary care treatment where the following criteria is met  ·      The person has (or is suspected to have) a chronic perforation of the tympanic membrane or healed perforation OR ·      There is a past history of ear surgery OR ·      There is a foreign body with ear wax (including vegetable matter) in the ear canal OR ·      The patient is suffering from significant symptoms due to ear wax build up including hearing loss or pain and the patients’ condition warrants micro suction OR ·      Has a recent history of Otalgia and/ or middle ear infection (in the past 6 week) OR ·      Has had previous complications following ear irrigation including perforation of the ear drum, severe pain, deafness or vertigo OR ·      Two attempts at irrigation of the ear canal in primary care are unsuccessful OR ·      Removal of ear wax in patients who have already had ear irrigation in primary care and need complete removal of any residual wax prior to hearing aid fit OR ·      Ear canal stenosis OR ·      Active skin condition of ear, eczema, psoriasis OR ·      Recent head injury OR ·      Wax in only hearing ear (do not irrigate) OR ·      If ear wax is totally occluding the ear canal and any of the following are present o  Hearing loss o  Earache o  Tinnitus o  Vertigo o  Cough suspected to be due to ear wax o  Tympanic membrane is obscured by wax but needs to be viewed to establish a diagnosis o  If the person wears a hearing aid, wax is present and an impression needs to be taken of the ear canal for a mould, or if wax is causing the hearing aid to whistle |
ARP 32 Review Date: 2026 |
5 responses
Could one of your staff indicate a time frame for urgent referral to micro suction process. My GP has made an urgent request on my behalf after a recent consultation. Thank you
Hi Stephen– I have passed your enquiry to a colleague to respond to by email.
Yes I’ve made a comment,but has of now, no reply. Maybe, to be fair, there is no answer .
Do you only commission this via secondary care – do primary care or community provide against this criteria as well?
Hi Melanie – I have passed your enquiry to a colleague to respond to by email.