Specialist learning disability Covid-19 vaccination clinics reopen ahead of winter season

Graphic with blue background with a white image of a megaphone.

Adults with a learning disability who need a Covid-19 vaccination are invited to book into a specialist vaccination clinic on Thursday 29 September.

The latest session, taking place at Loughborough Hospital (Hospital Way, LE11 5JY), will offer those attending a calm and friendly environment that meets their needs and is open to anyone with a learning disability in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, aged 18 and over, who needs a first, second or booster Covid-19 vaccination.

The clinics, which have been nominated for numerous awards, are designed for people who need a more supportive environment than an ordinary clinic can provide, with a calmer atmosphere, longer appointment times and vaccinators specialising in learning disability support and care.

All appointments need to be booked in advance to ensure the session can be managed to best suit patients’ needs. The vaccines used at the clinic will be Pfizer and Spikevax Moderna Bivalent (bivalent vaccines target two coronavirus variants). The vaccines on offer have been approved for use by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and meet the UK regulator’s standards of safety, quality and effectiveness.

Sam Screaton, primary care liaison nurse for people with learning disabilities from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust said: “We feel that everyone who needs a Covid-19 vaccine should have access to them, which is why we designed these clinics as we know not everyone feels comfortable having the vaccine in the usual way.

“If you catch Covid-19 it can make you poorly. People with a learning disability are more likely to become very poorly if they catch coronavirus. Getting the protection from the vaccine is the best way to stay healthy, especially as we head into the winter months when viruses tend to spread more rapidly.

“Please note that for this round of clinics the eligibility criteria has changed since the last time we held one. We’d like to reassure everyone that children and young people with a learning disability will have the opportunity to be vaccinated this winter. This is likely to delivered through our school immunisation service. More details on this will be available soon.”

To book, please go to: https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/timescreen.php?id=$2y$10$jS7SCNRH5cXRZTp.BauAmO1DAQVAyjnPCpdxhFGMxVkmXLQLYhdiK&rid=1085 or use the short link: https://bit.ly/3UmarOT You call also call 07917734725 to book. Please specify in the additional comments box if you need for us to make any specialist adaptations, such as needing a private or quiet space, when booking online.

More information about Covid-19 vaccines can be found in easy read formats:

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